Saturday, December 31, 2011

5:48 PM - No comments

2011-2012: The Start and The End

Finally, the hyped-up 2012 is about to start. There is excitement, there is that little bit of fear that makes you feel ticklish in the stomach, and there is hope. Isn't it the perfect mixture for a full-on year?

2011 has taught me so much. Every year, I blog on new year's eve. It is like my finale to the year. It is my way of climaxing it, and leaving it on the most pleasant note known to me- the written word!

2011 Didn't start like that. I spent NYE 2011 in the hospital, taking care of the man I love! To be honest. At that moment, I knew, this was going to be a year of "never-befores"! While every year has its share of first times, this year, has been a whole different ball-game.

A lot has happened over the span of these 365 days. Even most has been what I have learnt, known and seen in the year. Most important of all, I learnt that I was giving myself far too less credit. I am so much more adjusting, understanding an flexible that I thought myself to be! I guess, getting married is the only way one learns that about themselves.

I saw that, while there is no place like home, one can have more homes than one. It is a amazing experience to know that you can belong to more places than one. For a person who craves that feeling of belongingness, along with a sense of detachment, this is a dream come true.

I learnt that acceptance is the first step to being accepted. Ok, I didn't learn it this year, I already knew it. But the practical application happened here for the first time. Also, I learnt that distances don't make the hearts grow fonder, they just make you more communicative of the fondness!!

I saw how nice, giving and awesome nature is to me. I while I have always loved nature with all my heart, the love has reached an all new level now. not because I want to plant trees or anything. But because nature and I have a special bond, one that no amount of blogposts of mine can explain!

I have seen that no matter how much you want to believe that "nothing will change" post marriage, things change. Not always for the best, but we have to make the best of all that comes our way. After all, we make our own destiny and design our own future.

I saw that I truly have a tendency to attract and befriend that oddest set of people. (No offence meant to any of my lovely friends! I am one of you.) But, I have also come to realize that it is because of THEM that I can be of so much help to the more "normal" people. Nothing surprises me, and no abnormality passes my scanner unnoticed. However, I need to shut up about it, because I have seen that people are not that accepting to my observations in the start!

My fondness of social life and socializing still exists, but its addictive nature seems to have subsided. I find it a little depressing, but it is floating my boat as of now. So, I shall not mess around with it!

Lastly, this is my first NYE post as a married woman, and not in Pune! The party is going to be different too. More about that next year, though!!!

Happy New Year everybody! Take care!